Mickey Fowler, CAI, CES, AARE, AMM

Founder, President/CEO, CAI, CES, AARE, AMM & National Auctioneer Association Hall of Fame Winner

National Auctioneer Association Hall Of Fame Winner.

Mickey is committed to personally reviewing all arrangements and details during each phase of the process to ensure that your auction is handled with the highest possible degree of professionalism and integrity. He does it in in such a way that when your property is sold, it brings the highest possible dollar. Mickey is a designated member of the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI). He’s a designated Certified Estate Specialist (CES) and Auction Marketing Management (AMM) and most importantly an Accredited Auctioneer in Real Estate (AARE). He has served on the Alabama State Board Of Auctioneers and is a member of the National Association Of Auctioneers. For a real estate appraisal or a highly qualified equipment professional opinion, call Mickey at (256) 420-4454 or his cell number at (256) 653-4454.

(256) 653-4454


Daniel Culps, CAI

Auctioneer, Auction Manager, Real Estate Representative, Ring Person Alabama Auctioneer Association Hall Of Fame Winner

Alabama Auctioneer Association Hall Of Fame Winner.

Daniel has been with Fowler Auction for many years and has learned the auction business from the ground up. Today Daniel's desire is to assist our past and future Sellers by turning their assets into cash - no matter what. He's satisfied when he knows he's done all he could to bring the most dollar for his Seller. Daniel is a designated member of the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI). He has served on the board of Alabama Auctioneers Association and is a member of the National Association Of Auctioneers. Let him show you what he can do to turn your assets into cash! You may call Daniel at (256) 603-1249 or (256) 420-4454.

(256) 603-1249


Greg Bottom

Apprentice Auctioneer, Consignment Yard Manager

Greg has been with Fowler Auction for many years as our Consignment Manager. He's now branching out into Personal Property auctions and is now an Apprentice Auctioneer. Give Greg a call and utilize his many years of experience in liquidating estate assets or would like to participate in one of our consignment auctions.

(256) 777-4496


Royce Hornsby

Consultant, Real Estate Agent

Royce joined Fowler Auction in June of 2014 after a successful career in the federal loan industry. His vast knowledge of finances brings added depth to the ins and outs of the real estate investments and financial aspect of the auction industry.

Royce holds a real estate license and is an apprentice auctioneer.

(256) 293-3241


Aaron Spencer

Apprentice Auctioneer & Real Estate Representative

Aaron is not new to the auction industry. He grew up working for his Granddad, Mickey Fowler, from the age of 8 years old. He started out running bid tickets, mowing grass, helping load and check out equipment as well as taking bids. Since graduating Ardmore High School in 2012, he has worked in several municipal positions and helped Fowler Auction on the side as needed.

Aaron is an Apprentice Auctioneer and licensed Real Estate Agent and would like to serve you with all your Personal Property, Equipment, or Real Estate Auction needs. Give him a call today at (256) 497-2850.

(256) 497-2850


David Vess

Apprentice Auctioneer, Real Estate Representative & Associate Broker

After years of being in the retail industry, David decided to follow a new love for the auction industry. He has been a real estate entrepreneur and felt he could assist others with his knowledge of real estate. He joined Fowler Auction with an anticipation to serve those with a desire or a need to liquidate assets. He is learning from the ground up everything about what it takes to conduct a great auction. Give David a call at (256) 426-0005 and let him help you with your auction experience today.

(256) 426-0005
